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Arkansas Chapter Wild Turkey Federation (1985-2011)

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Arkansas Chapter Wild Turkey Federation (1985-2011)
ID Face Year Expires Subject[Artist] CatVal Mint Purchase Info Mint
ARWT-1 $5 1985 "Ozark Mountain Gobbler" [Maynard Reece] 20.00 $17.00 (in stock)
ARWT-1P $5x2 1985 "Ozark Mountain Gobbler" (imperforate horizontal pair) [Maynard Reece] 25.00 ---
ARWT-2 $5 1986 "Ouachita Mountain Turkeys" - Two Turkeys on grass [Ken Carlson] 12.00 $8.00 (in stock)
ARWT-2P $5x2 1986 "Ouachita Mountain Turkeys" - Two Turkeys on grass (imperforate horizontal pair) [Ken Carlson] 25.00 ---
ARWT-3 $5 1987 "Foggy Morning Turkeys" [David A. Maass] 21.50 $17.50 (in stock)
ARWT-3P $5x2 1987 "Foggy Morning Turkeys" (imperforate horizontal pair) [David A. Maass] 25.00 ---
ARWT-4 $5 1988 "Shadow of Suspicion" - Turkeys Under Tree [Zettie Jones] 10.00 $8.00 (in stock)
ARWT-4P $5x2 1988 "Shadow of Suspicion" - Turkeys Under Tree (imperforate horizontal pair probably exists) [Zettie Jones] 25.00 $23.00 (limited)
ARWT-5 $5 1989 "Piney Creek Gobblers" - Toms Displaying [Daniel Smith] 10.00 $8.00 (in stock)
ARWT-5P $5x2 1989 "Piney Creek Gobblers" - Toms Displaying (imperforate horizontal pair) [Daniel Smith] 15.00 $12.50 (in stock)
ARWT-6 $5 1990 "Buffalo River Wild Turkeys" - Turkeys Near River [Al Agnew] 22.00 $19.50 (in stock)
ARWT-6P $5x2 1990 "Buffalo River Wild Turkeys" - Turkeys Near River (imperforate horizontal pair) [Al Agnew] 15.00 $12.50 (in stock)
ARWT-7 $5 1991 "Boss of Crooked Creek" - Tom Displaying in Forest [Phillip Crowe] 15.00 $8.50 (in stock)
ARWT-7P $5x2 1991 "Boss of Crooked Creek" - Tom Displaying in Forest (imperforate horizontal pair) [Phillip Crowe] 20.00 $17.50 (in stock)
ARWT-8 $5 1992 Tom against white background [Sandy Scott] 12.00 $9.50 (in stock)
ARWT-8P $5x2 1992 Tom against white background (imperforate horizontal pair) [Sandy Scott] 25.00 $23.00 (limited)
ARWT-9 $5 1993 "Surprise at Sunrise" - Turkey Sunrise Scene [Rod Crossman] 12.00 $9.50 (in stock)
ARWT-9P $5x2 1993 "Surprise at Sunrise" - Turkey Sunrise Scene (imperforate horizontal pair) [Rod Crossman] 25.00 ---
ARWT-10 $5 1994 "Courtship at Sulphur Rock" - Turkeys in Spring [Scott Zoellick] 14.00 $11.50 (in stock)
ARWT-10P $5x2 1994 "Courtship at Sulphur Rock" - Turkeys in Spring (imperforate horizontal pair) [Scott Zoellick] 12.50 $10.50 (in stock)
ARWT-11 $5 1995 "Oak Ridge Trio" - Turkeys in Spring Scene [Larry Zach] 17.00 $13.50 (in stock)
ARWT-11P $5x2 1995 "Oak Ridge Trio" - Turkeys in Spring Scene (imperforate horizontal pair) [Larry Zach] 12.50 $10.50 (in stock)
ARWT-12 $5 1996 "Hidden Valley Gobblers" - Turkeys in Field [John Dearman] 17.00 ---
ARWT-12P $5x2 1996 "Hidden Valley Gobblers" - Turkeys in Field (imperforate horizontal pair probably exists) [John Dearman] 12.50 ---
ARWT-13 $5 1997 "Lyles Field Turkeys" - Turkey Pair in Grass [Zettie Jones] 10.00 $10.50 (in stock)
ARWT-13P $5x2 1997 "Lyles Field Turkeys" - Turkey Pair in Grass (imperforate horizontal pair) [Zettie Jones] 12.50 $10.50 (limited)
ARWT-14 $5 1998 "Turkey Mountain Gobblers" - Males Displaying [Eddie LeRoy] 12.00 $11.50 (in stock)
ARWT-14P $5x2 1998 "Turkey Mountain Gobblers" - Males Displaying (imperforate horizontal pair) [Eddie LeRoy] 12.50 ---
ARWT-15 $5 1999 "Miller Point Gobblers" [Robert Hautman] 12.00 $11.50 (in stock)
ARWT-15P $5x2 1999 "Miller Point Gobblers" (imperforate horizontal pair) [Robert Hautman] 12.50 ---
ARWT-16 $5 2000 "Crooked Creek Limb Hangers" [Thomas Brooks] 12.00 $11.50 (in stock)
ARWT-16P $5x2 2000 "Crooked Creek Limb Hangers" (imperforate horizontal pair) [Thomas Brooks] 12.50 ---
ARWT-17 $5 2001 "Possum Ranch Longbeard" [Larry Chandler] 12.00 $11.50 (in stock)
ARWT-17P $5x2 2001 "Possum Ranch Longbeard" (imperforate horizontal pair) [Larry Chandler] 12.50 $10.50 (limited)
ARWT-18 $5 2002 "Hidden Valley Turkeys" [Randy McGovern] 18.50 $18.00 (in stock)
ARWT-18P $5x2 2002 "Hidden Valley Turkeys" (imperforate horizontal pair) [Randy McGovern] 12.50 ---
ARWT-19 $5 2003 [Eddie LeRoy] 22.50 $20.50 (in stock)
ARWT-19P $5x2 2003 (imperforate horizontal pair) [Eddie LeRoy] 12.50 ---
ARWT-20 $5 2004 12.00 ---
ARWT-20P $5x2 2004 (imperforate horizontal pair) 12.50 $10.50 (limited)
ARWT-21 $5 2005 12.00 ---
ARWT-21P $5x2 2005 (imperforate horizontal pair) 18.50 $10.50 (limited)
ARWT-22 $5 2006 14.00 ---
ARWT-22P $5x2 2006 (imperforate horizontal pair) 12.50 ---
ARWT-23 $5 2007 12.00 $10.50 (in stock)
ARWT-23E $5 2007 Stamp has "2006" instead of "2007" (bottom two stamps of sheet/10) 35.00 ---
ARWT-23EP $5 2007 Stamp has "2006" instead of "2007" (bottom two stamps of sheet/10) 35.00 ---
ARWT-23P $5x2 2007 (imperforate horizontal pair) 12.50 ---
ARWT-24 $5 2008 12.00 $10.50 (in stock)
ARWT-24P $5x2 2008 (imperforate horizontal pair) 12.50 $10.50 (limited)
ARWT-25 $5 2009 18.00 ---
ARWT-26 $5 2010 18.00 ---
ARWT-27 $5 2011 12.00 $10.50 (in stock)